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movie night

"Everybody runs."

Minority Report

PG-13 145m 2002 7/10

John Anderton is a top 'Precrime' cop in the late-21st century, when technology can predict crimes before they're committed. But Anderton becomes the quarry when another investigator targets him for a murder charge.


Chief John Anderton [Pre-Crime]

Tom Cruise

Agatha [Pre-Cog Chamber]

Samantha Morton

Director Lamar Burgess [Pre-Crime]

Max von Sydow

Agent Danny Witwer [FBI]

Colin Farrell

Lara Clarke

Kathryn Morris

Jad [Pre-Crime]

Steve Harris

Fletcher [Pre-Crime]

Neal McDonough

Knott [Pre-Crime]

Patrick Kilpatrick

Evanna [Pre-Crime]

Jessica Capshaw

Wally the Caretaker [Pre-Cog Chamber]

Daniel London

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